This year, the measurement of ZING’s impact indicators on employability makes an important leap in its professionalisation. With the incorporation of the personalised chatbot ORIEN, we have transformed the management of youth data collection from a slow, human resources intensive process with difficulties of accessibility to young people, to one that is:
- Fast and effective management
- Fully automated
- And with high accessibility thanks to the direct WhatsApp channel.

ORIEN has taken a further step towards innovation and professionalisation in the area of data collection to achieve impact indicators for job placement.
The chatbot, apart from providing guidance on insertion issues, transforms the management of data collection from young people through a fast, effective and fully automated management, thus systematising this task, which is sometimes complex due to the multiple variables to be taken into account.
How does it do it? Through the direct WhatsApp channel, which means high accessibility and optimisation of time and resources, which translates into a user experience that is highly valued by the entire group of participants.
It is clear to us that ORIEN has come a long way to stay and to set a trend in the sector, not only because of its content and its wide field of action, but also because of its great capacity to design a structure, to collect and manage data in an agile way, which allows us to provide value and rigour within the world of employability.