We live in a profoundly unequal world. A world in which almost half of the population has to survive on less than $5.50 a day. Hundreds of millions of people -from the moment of their birth- still do not have the possibility of developing a dignified, complete, healthy, productive and happy life.
At Nous Cims we are committed to accompanying local social entities and other agents of change in the area in order to move towards systemic changes.
We jointly identify specific and realistic goals in the areas of education, nutrition and employability, as well as in other more cross-cutting aspects such as gender equality or the strengthening of the social fabric.
“From Nous Cims we are committed to the accompaniment of local social entities and other agents of change in the area to advance towards systemic changes”
Model areas
Being aware of our size and prioritising maximum impact, we have opted for a strategy of geographical concentration with two focus countries: Senegal and Colombia, on which we will focus our efforts over a time horizon of no less than 10 years.
This is made possible by a local figure, the country antenna, who coordinates and works directly with the partner entities that implement the different projects and in turn leads the defined strategy for change and the different interlocutions required for each of the model areas.

Nous Cims Role
Nous Cims, in its role of facilitation and accompaniment, beyond funding, focuses its efforts on two key aspects:
1) Thematic specialization in three areas of action (nutrition, education, and employability) through the definition of programme frameworks and technical accompaniment of the entities.
2) Establishment of a robust monitoring, evaluation, and learning system to measure impact, learn and generate evidence-based knowledge.
Areas of activity
Nutrition programme
From a preventive and sustainable point of view and with the aim of reducing malnutrition and child malnutrition, families, especially mothers, are provided with tools:
✔️Increasing their knowledge of good nutrition practices.
✔️Facilitating the identification of children at risk of acute malnutrition and ensuring their referral and treatment.
✔️Supporting the economic activities of mothers/families.
Education Programme
The aim is to improve school enrolment rates and children's success in school:
✔️Facilitating access to school materials and infrastructure.
✔️Training teachers, especially in soft skills.
✔️Focusing on school governance and family involvement.
✔️In contexts of generalized violence, psychosocial support is also incorporated.
Employability Programme
With the aim of improving access to the job market for young people from disadvantaged social strata, both in rural and urban areas, we intervene:
✔️Providing professional training adapted to market demand.
✔️Training in entrepreneurship and also working on soft skills.
✔️Facilitating companionship with individual mentoring and networking.
✔️Creating business networks for inclusion.

Of the 6.3 billion tons of plastic waste generated since 1950, 79% is in landfills or in our oceans and seas. Only 9% has been recycled. In collaboration with Roots for Sustainability, in Santa Marta (Colombia) we are promoting an innovative model for legalizing associations of street recyclers, many of whom are women and especially vulnerable young people. Thanks to the project, they can now become officially recognized organizations that are commercially viable and socially transformative. Various multinational bodies have begun considering this line of activity as an integral part of their support programmes for resource management.
Women, based on their own strengths, adequate information and the improvement of their skills, can obtain more value for their work. This change will allow them to achieve gender equality in their local communities, generating added value for all community members. Nous Cims is therefore promoting projects that reinforce the development of productive activities and thus improving the social and economic conditions of the communities in emerging countries.
Nous Cims has promoted several university grants programmes in Senegal, Colombia, India and Honduras, among other countries, in conjunction with local partners. However, grants for vocational training are non-existent in emerging economies, which therefore require an additional component of support for employability and entrepreneurship. Nous Cims contributes the financing, the know-how and a team of professionals to drive these kinds of programmes.
Health andemotional well-being
Mental health is an invisible problem in international development programmes, which have traditionally focused on HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. We are committed to being a relevant player in the area of emotional well-being and cooperation, especially in emergency situations and in countries where human rights are being violated. Furthermore, Nous Cims finances other projects related to health in countries that are in the midst of a humanitarian crisis.
We increase the occupational options for women and young people through training programmes on “soft skills” (communication skills, teamwork, and problem-solving, among others), which enable them to more easily adapt to changes and obtain better results at school, at work and in life in general. Up to now, these soft skills had not been integrated in formal education systems. Moreover, Nous Cims also facilitates access by women to a support network so that they can obtain their high school equivalency certificate.
international grants given for vocational training and university studies
empowered women in Africa, Asia and Latin America
social and cooperation entities with which we work
active projects in the area of Global Development