The El Turó Pre-school and Primary Education centre of Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona) has been selected because of its educational programme to activate the pilot project of the Komtü programme. It is a new emotional support programme for boys and girls between 3 and 12 years of age, created and developed by the team of the Emotional Well-being Area of the Nous Cims Foundation.
The programme, which will be tested at the El Turó school in Montcada, is notable for its innovation in the area of emotional and relationship well-being at school.
Specifically, Komtü is inspired by scientific studies that indicate that relationship experiences leave an emotional footprint that can condition the personality and attitude of children throughout their entire lives. “A good experience can entail better learning and a greater capacity for self-awareness, empathy and the acceptance of differences”, according to Carles Bosch, psychologist and expert in the programme.
The entire educational community of El Turó will be involved for three years in the pilot test of the Komtü programme, which is adapted to the reality of each school. The programme’s technical team, which will work full-time at the school three days per week, will provide training on emotional support to not only the executive team but also to the teaching staff and non-teaching personnel at the school.
More information in the local weekly paper, La Veu de Montcada.