Zing Programme is starting up a new edition of the Purpose and Vocation Discovery Programme, which is targeted at young people who are disoriented or demotivated, linked to social entities, and who have decided to take the first step regarding their educational and/or professional future, and who also want to discover their potential and talents (soft skills). The workshops of this programme, which are completely free, will run between the months of January and April 2020, with the aim of providing the young people with tools and motivation when choosing which studies to pre-register for in the 2020-21 academic year.
The programme is open to young people from all of Spain, mainly between 16 and 21 years of age, although it is also possible to participate up to 30 years of age. Participants are invited to join the Zing Programme through their referring teachers. Interested social entities can express their interest and submit registrations via email at vocacio@nouscims.com.
An expedition by young people towards their personal, educational and professional summit
The “Discover your summit” workshops are motivational, inspiring, dynamic and experiential workshops in Spain with their own unique methodology, in which young people are the protagonists of their own lives and paths. Together with their group – the expedition – and accompanied by the workshop facilitator, the “Sherpa”, participants explore the pathway to reaching their educational and professional summit.
The workshops are divided into five sessions of 4 hours each (total of 20 hours), in which the participants work on two parts: one related to self-knowledge, the re-definition of beliefs and empowerment; and the second part that is oriented towards the vocation that is formulated in an action plan, which marks the path to follow, with excitement and enthusiasm. During the “base camp” and the five other camps through which the participants pass, the “Sherpas” provide innovative, creative and fun tools to help them choose the most appropriate pathway applying a personalized approach, given that the Zing Programme considers every young person to be unique.
According to Miquel Antonijuan, Director of the Zing Programme, “when a young person is motivated and commits to their educational pathway, the possibility of successfully completing their studies grows considerably”. Regarding the results of previous editions, after completing the workshops, 76% of the participants go on to study and 90% go on to study and/or work.
About Zing Programme
As of the 2019-20 academic year, nearly 1,000 students from Spain have benefited from the various annual calls for scholarships from the Nous Cims Private Foundation, an initiative that is united under a new concept this year: Zing Programme.
Zing gets its inspiration from Tenzing Norgay, the Sherpa who accompanied mountain climber Edmund Hilary to reach the summit of Everest for the first time in history. The Zing beneficiaries (boys and girls in a situation of vulnerability and referred by social entities, with the motivation and commitment to continue studying and educating themselves as professionals) follow a complete pathway, which includes the discovery of their vocation, applying for high-impact training scholarships in professional and university education, mentoring and individual support up to labour insertion. Once these young people have reached their summit, the Zing Programme proposes that, through a social return, they help other young people to also fulfil their educational and professional dreams.